Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Big Changes Ahead!

     It's been a while since I've posted!  Things have been happening around here at an alarming rate!  Remember my last post about waiting?  Well, the wait is over...it's time to get busy!

     We have a lot of big changes for our family on the horizon!  The most major one has to do with our school situation.  Our principal (who also happens to be my sister) is expecting her first baby in November.  So, that means that while she may be able to start the school year, she certainly won't be finishing it!  And, since she is our only teacher at this point, that left us needing some staff!  Well, since 2 of my 3 boys will be students this year, and I had previous teaching experience, it was a little bit of a no-brainer that I could step in as the main teacher.  However, since our student body was growing, there was no way I could handle it by myself!  We needed a kindergarten teacher, and another part-time supervisor/principal.  Well, Hubby felt that God was leading him into a more active role in the ministry, so we began praying about him taking on the role of principal part time.  

     So, what does this mean for our family?  Well, Hubby will be working at his current job as a part-time employee on an as-needed basis.  Then, when school starts, he will be there between 2 and 3 days a week, depending on his work schedule.  I will be there as the main supervisor every day.  God provided a kindergarten teacher for us, so that was covered as well.  As I mentioned to the boys, it will be a lot of changes, but it will make our family better and stronger, because that's what God uses changes for!  We are all looking forward to our new life, and we hope you will pray with us for an easy "transition" time.  And also for me, so that I can maintain my sanity!  

     Another big change happening soon is that my parents will be closing on their new house soon!  We will be moving them out of our back room in a few weeks, much to their happiness!  They are very excited and can't wait to be "out on their own" again!  (And I am glad that the volume of stuff in my house will be decreasing by a third!)  

     We also got some news of a few "little" changes that are on their way.  As I mentioned earlier, my sister is expecting her first baby in November.  (They found out what it will be today, but I don't want to give away their surprise!)   This will be the first cousin that the boys will have that lives near them so they are pretty excited!  But last week my brother & his wife shared that they are also expecting their first little one!   Hubby's family just grew by a new little girl, and there's another on the way.  Lots of changes in everyone's future...diaper changes that is!  

     As I look at all these changes, I'm reminded that the only thing in our life that doesn't change is our great Saviour!  For which I'm so thankful...I couldn't make it through all this craziness without Him!  :)

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