Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Keep Going!

     For Mother's Day this year, my mom and I decided that it would be fun to spend time together rather than do the whole "gift" thing.  (Let's face it...we probably don't need more "stuff" anyway, right?)  So, we decided to eat lunch and have a movie date.  There was a movie I had been hearing good things about (Christian; homeschooled filmmakers; set in Birmingham; about moms) so I decided to take her and go see it. 

     It was a great movie.  Very down-to-earth, honest, and totally "Hey, that's SO my life!"  And funny.  I haven't laughed so much at a movie since I can't remember when!  But I guess what I took away most from the movie was what the film makers were trying to say.  Keep going, moms.  Your job is important.  

     Through humor (and a few tear-inducing moments) they sent a message loud and clear.  Moms are important.  Family is important.  God-honoring families are important.  Moms are important to their kids.  Moms are important to their husbands.  Moms are important to other moms.  Moms are important to the Lord.

     I wanted to pass this message on.  Keep going, moms.  Your work is important.  Keep going on days when everything is crazy.  When you wake up excited because it is the first week of summer break, and two kids have runny noses, two kids have poison ivy, and hubby is sick. On the day when you just want to have a fun family day, but the phone is ringing off the hook with things.  And when you finally get out the door, you realize that the baby doesn't have shoes, and you have on your grubby work-in-the-yard shoes with your cute top and jeans.  *Sigh. 

     Keep going on days where you look around and it seems like everyone else has it so totally together.  Those days where you see other moms whose kids are pristine in their smocked, ironed playclothes.  Whose life is filled Pinterest-inspired items that they have actually done.  Gourmet, organic meals adorn their tables, and they look like they just got back from the spa, where they also lost every molecule of baby-weight from their already super-thin bodies.  Keep going.

     Keep going on days where you are the one (gasp!) who "has it all together" in someone else's eyes.  Be real to them.  Come alongside and help.  Let them know that it is hard work, but they can keep going too.  That mommy who seems overwhelmed with her two little ones, and you are thinking, "Girl, just wait until you have _____________ to deal with!"  Smile at her.  Sit with her.  Smile at her little ones.  Chat with them.  Let her know that it does get worse...but it also gets better.  So much better.  Keep going.

     Keep going on days when your heart is breaking because your adult child is wrecking their life.  Keep being their mom.  Keep loving them.  Keep praying.  And praying. And praying. Keep standing strong in your faith.  Hold on to God's promises.  Keep going.

     Keep going on days that people who should know better, don't.  Keep going on days when you just want to quit, cry, stomp, whine, yell, or all of the above at once.  Keep going on days that you are the first one up, and the last to go to bed.  Keep going on days that you hear bad news.  Keep going on days on which you clean the same messes up all day.  When you have a list that nothing seems to get crossed off on.  On days when you need a list, but it's so hectic you couldn't even begin to make one.  On days where you have heard all the fighting, whining, tattling, and complaining you can handle....and then Hubby comes home with a whole list of why his day was the worst.  Keep going.

      Keep going because "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  (Philippians 4:13, emphasis added)  Keep going because "Let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."  (Galatians 6:9, emphasis added)  Keep going.  :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Middle Biscuit Is 8!

   As I looked at my blog to write this post, I noticed that the last post I did was also a birthday post.  So, it's probably appropriate that I begin another blogging season with another birthday post.

    Happy birthday to our Middle Biscuit!  He is the quiet, artistic, giggly, tenderhearted one of this crazy bunch.  He is our most talented Lego architect, and can often be found sitting alone and drawing or building a Lego creation of his own design.  He is not boisterous or loud, but does enjoy rough-housing with Daddy and the brothers. But he also take time to give his little sister cuddles and kisses, and very patiently helps her as she is learning to walk down the stairs.  He is a peacemaker in our house, and doesn't like it when his brothers are fighting.  But don't think he is a push-over!  Both his brothers have learned the hard way that he is only so patient, and you better watch out if you go too far!

     We love you, Middle Biscuit, and are so thankful for the sweet smile and kind heart you bring into our family!  :)
Hello, Daddy! 

Swing-time smiles!
Valentine kisses for brother--Middle Biscuit looks so much like little sister in this picture!

Batter up!

Our sweet....
....silly boy! :)