So, as this is my first post of the new year (how is it 2014 already, and where's my flying car?!) I was thinking about the things people do to "turn over a new leaf." I've never been one for making resolutions at the new year, or having a theme for our family, or thinking of a word that I want to emphasize. If I ever do have inclinations for that sort of thing, I would be more likely to begin them at the start of the school year. (In a mom's life, that's when big changes happen anyway right?)
However, I do tend to look back at the new year and try to reflect a little on what has happened in my life and in my family's life over the previous year. And sometimes, whether I planned it or not, I can find a theme that crops up throughout the year. For example, a couple of years ago, the theme seemed to be "trust". My family went through several things that were completely out of our control and allowed me to deepen my dependence on My Heavenly Father.
As I look back over 2013, the one thing that really seemed to come up over and over again was the trait of flexibility. For those of you who follow this blog, or know me personally, you know that I enjoy having a plan and sticking to it. I feel much more ready to tackle life if I have a clear direction, and and end-game in mind. However, that did not seem to be the lesson God wanted me to learn this year!
Our family went through some big changes this year, most notably the addition of a new member, Baby Sister! This event meant changes to our family life, and also our ministry at the school. My role at the school changed several times--sometimes I expected it, and sometimes it came out of nowhere! There have been ups and downs, growth and change, and complications that--I admit it--discouraged me.
That is where flexibility comes in. You have to be able to realize that God can see to the end, and even though He has added to your plan-or changed it completely-He is the One in control and knows what is best. This is difficult for little ol' me and my OCD! I have had to practice sitting back and saying, "Well, I don't know how You're going to work this mess out, but I can't!" And (surprise, surprise) He always is faithful to be there, leading and guiding, even though I can't figure it out!
So, in this new year, I am going to try and put into practice more flexibility. Because one thing has become abundantly clear: in my crazy life I need it! To wrap up, here is the definition of the character trait flexible that our kiddos learn in school and the Bible verse that goes with it. Hope you have a surrendered New Year! :)
Flexible: surrendering or yielding affections to God, not to earthly things that can be changed by others
"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Colossians 3:2