Monday, August 12, 2013

Our Summer Wrap-up!

     *Cough, cough.  That's me-blowing the dust off the blog site to update ya'll about what's happening around here.  Remember the last post...the one where I said that I would probably be able to post more often in the summer, because we wouldn't be as busy?   Well, obviously I was a little too optimistic!  And since we start school in a week (!!), I figured I'd better write something...  Hmmm...I wonder if Blogspot kicks you off for lack of posting...

     Anyway, like I said, we have had a busy summer.  Still working at school, (those projects that never seemed to get wrapped up), tackling house chores that had been neglected, and family "together-times" kept us moving all the time. 

     We were able to sneak in a weekend trip to the beach! Daddy had promised the boys a trip to the beach, and we are blessed to have family that lives in Pensacola, so it was fun to visit with them and fulfill our "obligation" to visit the ocean.  Although, I have to say, the beach gets less and less fun with lots of littles in tow!  And a thunderstorm doesn't help matters any!  But the kiddos had fun, and got to spend some "boy" time with their cousin who has 5 sisters, and was glad to go with us to the beach!  Here are a couple of pics from the trip:

Love the wind! 

Finally at the beach!

     We also had our annual Fourth of July family reunion.  This is a great time of fun and fellowship with my extended family on my mom's side.  We were missing a few people this year.  As we grow up and get busier lives, it gets much harder to get everyone together in one place!  But we always enjoy getting together, and one of our favorite things to do is watch the fireworks at the end of the day.
Mommy and Baby Girl getting ready to watch fireworks--she loved them!

One of our favorite parts of the reunion is the singing time!
Baby Girl and her great-grandma, Nana!

Middle Biscuit & Stitch challenging a big cousin to a game of checkers!

       The boys have had a lot of time this summer to work on various Lego projects.  We have seen a myriad of different landscapes, vehicles, and buildings pass through the household.  Here are just a couple that we've seen:
Front and back view of a six story hospital, complete with helicopter landing pad and ambulance bay on the bottom floor.  (A very eclectic clientele: green army man and LGM from Toy Story, a very ill Captain America, and several people who seem to be suffering from "block-head-itis.")

Middle Biscuit's really big mini-figure.  He made three of these, one representing himself and both brothers.

   Baby Girl turned six months old a few days ago, so I thought I'd wrap this post up with a few of the pictures from her 6-month, "Pretty in Pink" impromptu photo shoot.  Hope they make you smile, and I hope to share with you again soon! :) 
Such a big girl!

Blue jeans and bare toes!

Sweet lady!

Happy girl!  (Mommy's favorite!)