Well, what started out as a fairly consistent, every-couple-of-weeks blog has somehow turned into a once-a-month, if-I'm-able-to-get-to-it blog! Not what I had intended, but that's how life goes sometimes, right? Lots of things going on around here, what with our new life and everything.
We have fallen into a rough pattern for our day-to-day life finally. With Hubby's transition time at work, and my teaching at school full time, we have had to learn to juggle with a bit more skill to keep all the balls in the air. Thankfully, we don't have to depend on our strength alone! There would be balls dropping everywhere if that were the case!
Lots of things have happened since my last post. The parents-in-law have been through for their fall visit, and while they were here we had a good portion of Hubby's extended family in for a visit. They came for Hubby's ordination service/mini family reunion. The boys enjoyed having lots of cousins to play with!
And speaking of cousins, we just got a new one on my side of the family! My baby sister had her daughter about a month ago! I still find this a hard concept to grasp...mostly because I still remember when my sister was born and we went to visit her in the hospital! But now she has her own super-cute baby girl. We haven't gotten to meet her yet, because of some complications, she is in the NICU, but she is steadily progressing every day, and we hope to get to cuddle her soon! Stitch announced the other evening that he was a big boy now, and could hold the baby because he would be careful! :)
School is out for the Christmas break ("Hooray!" cried all the students and teachers) and we are looking forward to having some down time with the family. The students are all doing well, and Hubby and I are learning the ins and outs of working closely together everyday. Not as easy as it may seem...strangely enough, we have different ways of doing things...haha! I've only threatened to resign once or twice...
Our little men have handled all the changes like troopers. Especially Stitch, who went from having Mommy all to himself to sharing her with ten other kids all day long! He was able to enjoy some undivided attention when Daddy's parents came through...and he kept them in--well--stitches! They both agreed they would miss his entertaining behaviour when they left.
Middle Biscuit is flourishing in K5, and is enjoying learning to read and write better. He has worked hard the last few weeks on making enough Christmas ornaments to decorate an entire tree! Thanks, Mrs. H!
First-Born is growing up in a lot of ways. It's getting harder and harder to see the curly-haired, chubby baby he once was...he's growing into a young man so fast! He played his first piano pieces for the "public" recently, and did well. He's also working hard on earning his Cub Scout recognitions. Time is flying past...
Well, that about wraps up what's been going on around here. I hope you have a blessed Christmas season, and that you take time to honor the Reason that we celebrate. And, as we go into the new year, don't forget to take the time to look for those "Lego" moments in your life! :)